Сб, янв

Х International Conference «Insurance in Central Asia»



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Languages of the conference: English, Russian
Registration form: download

X International Conference "Insurance in Central Asia" hotel «InterContinental Almaty»

Session 1. The new economic environment: prospects for the development of insurance and reinsurance for local markets.

Welcome and opening of the conference
Janat Kurmanov
, Director of the Department of Insurance Supervision of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan

EAEU - integration in financial markets
Aigul Zhumataeva, Head of the insurance market and the securities market, the Department of Financial Policy, Eurasian Economic Commission Download the presentation

Status and prospects of the insurance market of the Russian Federation.
Olga Shelepneva, Deputy Head of the regulation of activities in the insurance market, the Department of the insurance market, the Bank of the Russia Download the presentation

3. The insurance market of Kazakhstan in international comparisons
Ekatherine Tolstova, analyst Standard & Poor's Russia/CIS  Download the presentation

4. Overview and trends in the international insurance and reinsurance markets and the impact of these trends on local markets
Alla Migashko, Senior reinsurance broker AON Benfield  Download the presentation

 Section 2. Self-regulation and competition: in search of a balance of interests

1. The insurance market of Kazakhstan: how to create a competitive advantage
Zhanar Kaliyeva, Chairman of the Board Kazakh Association of Insurers  Download the presentation

2. The experience of Germany on the development the private insurance industry in terms of regulation and self-regulation
Frank Thyrolf, senior manager for Central and Eastern Europe on International Affairs of the German Association of Insurers  Download the presentation

3. The markets of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation. Conference. Harmonization. Convergence?
Igor Shekhovtsov, Deputy Director General of the "Unity Re"  Download the presentation

4. Cross-border insurance: problems and perspectives
Elena Bryskova, director of the legal department of "Oil Insurance Company"  Download the presentation

5. Agency activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Overview of current trends
Ivan Mikhailov, director of "MMA Central Asia"  Download the presentation

Section 3. Motor insurance: tariffs, services, infrastructure

1. Experience motor insurance in Europe (confirmed)
Mariusz Wichtowski, president of the Polish Motor Bureau Download the presentation

2. The experience of the Russian Bureau of "Green Card" in preparation for the entry and operation of the international system of insurance "Green Card".
Sergey Razuvan, President of the Bureau "Green Card",  Russian Federation  Download the presentation

3. Best practices for improving the efficiency of processes in motor insurance
Igor Nikiforov, General Director of OOO "Audatex"  Download the presentation

4. Guaranteeing motor insurance in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Experience and prospects.
Dilara Karakulova, Chairman of the Board of JSC "Insurance Payment Guarantee Fund"  Download the presentation

5. The experience of German insurers in guarantee funds
Frank Thyrolf, senior manager for Central and Eastern Europe on International Affairs of the German Association of Insurers  Download the presentation

Section 4. Innovative Technology in insurance: growth point for new business

1. Cyber risks insurance
Vadim Mihnevich, Head underwriter Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty  Download the presentation

2. Complex commercial property insurance
Denis Nikolaytsev, Deputy Head of the Moscow office of Barents Re Reinsurance Co., Inc., Barents Risk Management  Download the presentation

3. Russian Antiterrorist Insurance Pool - new opportunities for insurers
Alexander Gulchenko, Chairman of the Supervisory Board RATIP  Download the presentation

4. Modern "Diasoft" technology for the insurance market of the EAEC countries
Maksim Konovalenko, director of business development of the company "Diasoft"  Download the presentation

Section 5. Effective agricultural insurance

Discussion in the "round table" format. International experience in agricultural insurance. Discussion of the Concept of development of insurance in crop production in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Plenary Session:

1. Ingredients of a sustainable agriculture insurance scheme
Hans Feyen, Head Agriculture RI Centre & Europe, Director, Property & Specialty Underwriting Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd.  Download the presentation

2. Agroinsurance in Russia: changes in the system in 2016
Korney Bizhdov, president of the National Union of agroinsurer, Russian Federation  Download the presentation

3. Index-based Crop Insurance - Europa Re Experience.
Marijana Lemic-Saramandic, Country Program Manager for Serbia and Macedonia, Europa Reinsurance Facility Ltd.  Download the presentation

4. Improvement of compulsory crop insurance in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Khamiyev Azamat, deputy director of the Department of Investment Policy and Financial Instruments of the Ministry of Agriculture  Download the presentation

1. Workshop (Ballroom):

Construction and technical risks

The workshop with the participation of international experts in the field of construction and

 technical risks

Evolving role of loss adjuster in Kazakhstan
Colin M'Cartney,"Caslab Ltd"

Сontractors all risks including delay on startup
Roberto Barreca,  Economist Swiss Re Engineering

2. Workshop presentation (Astana Hall 1)

Increasing the level of automation of the companies - the basis of the development of the insurance market. The functionality of the solutions «Diasoft Insurance»

Participants from Diasoft:

Alexander Budnik, Vice President, director of "Insurance"
Maxim Kovalenko, Director of Business Development
Alexander Sokolov, Regional Director


« InterСontinental Almaty» Hotel, Kazakhstan, Almaty, Zheltoksan 181.

For additional information contact and information on registration and participation, please, contact the Conference’s Organizers:

Contact persons in Almaty
: Marina Shipovalova, Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в браузере должен быть включен Javascript., Tel.: +7(727)334-00-18, +7 777 237-40-27



Swiss ReФинансовые последствия стихийных бедствий остаются ключевой темой в секторе страхования и перестрахования: за последние пять лет убытки превысили отметку в $100 млрд, но, по общему признанию, существует большой пробел в защите, который отрасли необходимо устранить, считает Андреас Бергер, генеральный директор группы Swiss Re.

AI 3Несмотря на ажиотаж вокруг потенциала искусственного интеллекта (ИИ), компаниям следует подвести итоги и убедиться, что они используют продуманный подход при внедрении этой технологии в свои системы, считает Эдриан Кокс, генеральный директор специализированной страховой компании Beazley.