Сб, янв

The conference program

Платиновый спонсор


Стратегический партнер

Официальный медиа-партнер в России

Информационные партнеры:



Языки конференции: английский, русский
Список участников конференции


Section 1. The current state and prospects of development of insurance markets in the SES.

1.      State regulation of the insurance market in Kazakhstan in terms of integration.
Nurlan Abdrakhmanov
, the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2.      On the outcome of the legislative regulation of insurance activity in the Russian Federation for 2014 and plans for 2015.
Tamara Erokhina
,  leading advisor Financial Policy Department of the Russian Finance Ministry.  download presentation

3.      The main vectors of integration processes in insurance within the Eurasian Economic Union.
Aigul Zhumataeva,
Financial Policy Department of the Eurasian Economic Commission.   download presentation

4.      The Russian insurance market: to the new quality in the new environment.
Andrew Yuryev
, vice president of the All-Russian Union of Insurers, president of the National Union of Liability Insurers.

5.      Structural reform of the insurance market of the Republic of Kazakhstan in response to the economic and political challenges.
Tlek Alzhanov, Chairman of the Board Insurers Association of Kazakhstan.   download presentation

Panel Discussion: Harmonization of national insurance laws: the near or distant prospect? Interaction of insurance markets under the weight classes of insurance: what could be the driver of integration?

Session 2. Reinsurance in the new market conditions

1.      Reinsurance within SES - in defiance of logic, to spite the effectiveness …
Igor Shekhovtsov
, Deputy General Director Unity Re Ltd.   download presentationи

2.      Reinsurance in the Republic of Kazakhstan: in search of effective solutions.
Oleg Pavlov
, managing director of the risks of "Oil Insurance Company".   download presentation

3.      Model of Capital Standard & Poor's. The results of applying the model to the insurance companies of Kazakhstan  мarkets.
Catherine Tolstova
, Standard & Poor's Russia/CIS.   download presentation

Panel Discussion: Insurance and reinsurance pools as a basis for the creation of local and international insurance and reinsurance capacities. The possible interaction of local markets within the reinsurance process and principles of creating a single reinsurance capacity for the SES.

Session 3. Large losses and dangerous objects

1.     Comprehensive insurance developers, international experience.
Denis Nikolaytsev
, deputy head of the Barents Re in Russia.  download presentation

2.     Trends in liability insurance: Compulsory insurance against contractual freedom.
Gepa Jansen-Claus
, Senior Client Manager, Vice President, Reinsurance Europe, Middle East and Africa, Swiss Re Europe SA.   download presentation

3.     The Industrial Insurance - an effective tool to prevent industrial accidents and to limit the liability of companies.
Dr. Peter Mueller
, General Representative in CIS Munich Reinsurance Company.   download presentation

Panel Discussion: Current trends in the insurance of large industrial and catastrophic risks, the international experience of public-private partnership in the insurance of environmental risks and dangerous objects.

Session 4. How to ensure the effectiveness of motor insurance

1.     Compulsory insurance of civil liability of the vehicle owner in the Republic of Kazakhstan: state, problems and prospects.
Yerzhan Konurbaev
, Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC "Insurance Indemnity Guarantee Fund.   download presentation

2.     Practice MTPL insurance. New approaches and new technologies.
Igor Ovchinnikov
, director of the legal work of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers.  

3.     Solera and Audatex - prospects of the development of the market of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Igor Nikiforov
, General Director of "Audatex", Russia.  download presentation

Panel Discussion: Technology online distribution of motor insurance policies, support the settlement of loss and operation of guarantee systems in motor insurance.

Section 5. Health insurance: international experience

1.     A system of mandatory health insurance in Russia: experience and prospects.
Anna Romanova
, Vice President of Interregional Union of Medical Insurers Russia.   download presentation

2.     Experience in LAMP on implementation of the health insurance system in Asia and Africa.
Alexander Denton
, Senior Development Manager, Division of International HealthLAMP Insurance Company Limited.   download presentation

3.     The initiative of the Association of Insurers of Kazakhstan on introduction of mandatory health insurance in Kazakhstan.
Marina Shipovalov
а, Insurers Association of Kazakhstan.   download presentation

Session 6. Round Table 
"Prospects for the introduction of mandatory health insurance in the Republic of Kazakhstan"

- from the Ministry of Health and Social Protection RK:
Almas Kurmanov, Chairman of the committee of Medical Service Payment;   download presentation
Kamalzhan Nadyrov, Deputy Director of department of the standardization of medical services.
- experts specialized units of insurance companies for health insurance, international health insurance experts, representatives of medical assistance, head of the National Chamber of entrepreneurs.

Session 7. Workshop:

International experience in the regulation of insurance agents and management of agent networks.
Dr. Peter Mueller,
General Representative in CIS Munich Reinsurance Company.

Standardization and automation of the process of settlement of losses vehicles.
Damir Ayginin,
business analyst of "Audatex", Russia   download presentation

Swiss ReФинансовые последствия стихийных бедствий остаются ключевой темой в секторе страхования и перестрахования: за последние пять лет убытки превысили отметку в $100 млрд, но, по общему признанию, существует большой пробел в защите, который отрасли необходимо устранить, считает Андреас Бергер, генеральный директор группы Swiss Re.

AI 3Несмотря на ажиотаж вокруг потенциала искусственного интеллекта (ИИ), компаниям следует подвести итоги и убедиться, что они используют продуманный подход при внедрении этой технологии в свои системы, считает Эдриан Кокс, генеральный директор специализированной страховой компании Beazley.