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XI International Conference Insurance in Central Asia



13-14 April, 2017,

Kazakhstan, Almaty,

InterСontinental Almaty

The conference is organized with the support of:

General partner:

Special Partner:

Date: 13-14 April, 2017.

Venue: Kazakhstan, Almaty, InterСontinental Almaty Hotel.

Duration: 2 days

Speakers: national regulators, representatives of international organizations, top managers of international and national companies of the region’s countries, leading world’s experts.

Participants: leading insurance and reinsurance companies, brokerage firms from Central Asia, the Customs Union, Asian and European countries.

Languages of the conference: English, Russian

Registration formdownload

XI International Conference
«Insurance in Central Asia»

April 13, 2017

9.00 - 9.30      Registration of participants (morning coffee)

9.30 - 11.10     Section 1. Opportunities of a single insurance space for EEU countries

1. Current state and development prospects of the insurance market of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Zhanat Kurmanov, Director, Insurance Supervision Department, National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan

2. Current state of the insurance and reinsurance markets in the Russian Federation
Dmitry Kudlov, Head of the Methodological Unit of Voluntary Insurance, Insurance Market Regulation Division, Insurance Market Department, The Central Bank of the Russian Federation

3. Development prospects for the insurance and reinsurance markets of the Eurasian space in new realities
Oksana Shpakovskaya, Advisor, ECE Financial Policy Department

4. Trans-border reinsurance within the framework of the EEU, implementation feasibility
Mikhail Sepp, Vice-President, RNPK JSC

5. International reinsurance and local markets of the EEU countries. Where is the balance of interests?
Ekaterina Tolstova, Deputy director, “Financial Institute” Sector, S&P Global ratings

11.10 -11.30   Coffee Break

11.30 - 13.00   Section 2. Insurance against catastrophic risks. Effective models and practical implementation

With the support of the Special Partner of Europa Reinsurance Facility Ltd

1. Principles and practices of regulation and supervision of catastrophic risks
Alma Qamo, Expert, the World Bank

2. New perspectives for managing catastrophic risks
Musa Alfan Bahar, Project Manager, Losses and Catastophe events, Turrkish Natural Catastrophe Insurance Pool (TCIP).

3. “Southeast Europe and Central Asia Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility” (SEECA CRIF). New prospects for the insurance business in Kazakhstan.
Marina Shipovalova, Head of Program “SEECA CIRF” in Kazakhstan

13.00 - 14.00 Lunch

14.00 - 15.30 Section 3. Motor insurance: efficient models

With the support of the General Partner of JSC "Insurance Payments Guarantee Fund"

1. The main principles of the international system Green Card 
Jean Zenners, President of the Council of Bureaux (CoB)

2. Insurance payment guarantee system and motor insurance in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Yerzhan Konurbayev, Deputy Chairman of the Board, JSC "Guarantee Fund for Insurance Payments"

3. Practical aspects of the Polish Motor Insurers’ Bureau activities
Mariusz Wichtowski, President, the Polish Motor Insurers’ Bureau

4. Issues faced by countries in the liberalization of compulsory motor TPL insurance tariffs
Sergej Simoniti, President, the Council of Experts, Insurance Supervisory Agency, Slovenia

15.30 - 15.50  Coffee break

15.50 - 17.30   Section 4. Innovations and modern technologies in insurance: how to be one step ahead of the competition

1. Perspectives of online insurance in Kazakhstan
Zhanat Kurmanov, Director, Insurance Supervision Department, National Bank of Kazakhstan

2. Experience of compulsory motor TPL insurance in Latvia
Juris Stengrevics, Chairman of the Board, the Motor Insurers' Bureau of Latvia

3. Technological evolution of compulsory motor TPL insurance in Russia. Experience and prospects.
Yevgeniy Ufimtsev, Executive Director, Russian Association of Motor Insurers

4. Effective use of IT solutions in the motor insurance
Igor Nikiforov, Managing Director, Audatex Russia

19.00 - 22.30 Gala Dinner. «Belvedere» restaurant, Intercontinental Hotel, 12 floor

April 14, 2017

9.00 - 9.30      Registration of participants (morning coffee)

09.30 - 11.30   Section 5. Insurance of tourists going abroad: Kazakhstan realities and international experience

With the support of the Special Partner BALT ASSISTANCE LTD.

1. Changes to the legislation on compulsory travel insurance
Zhanat Kurmanov, Director, Insurance Supervision Department, National Bank of Kazakhstan

2. International experience of travel insurance and claims settlement

Darya Titova, Chairman of the Board, Head of Cost-Control Unit, «Balt Assistance Ltd.»
Natalya Leontyeva, Deputy Head, Contact Center, «Balt Assistance Ltd.»

 "Round table" format discussion
Section’s participants.
Representatives of the professional participants of the tourism market, insurance companies and international experts in the field of tourism insurance and claims settlement.

11.30 - 12.00 Coffee break

12.00 - 13.00 Section 6. Construction all risks and builder’s risks

The practical workshop will be carried out by Edward Herman, Vice President of Property & Specialty Underwriting, Swiss Re Europe S.A.

  • International experience in construction all risks (CAR) insurance (statistics, main trends, new products);
  • Insurance of warranty obligations under the CAR insurance (types of covers, tariffs, claims settlement practice);
  • Insurance coverage on the case of Delay in Start-Up, Advanced Loss of Profit (ALOP / DSU).

13.00 - 14.00 Lunch

14.00 - 16.00 Individual personal meetings

16.00  Closing remarks

Main topics:

  • Prospects of a single insurance market  in the countries of the Common Economic Space  and interaction of local insurance markets to the international reinsurance market.
  • Insurance against disaster risks. Effective models and practical implementation.
  • Innovation and modern technology in insurance: how to be one step ahead of the competition.
  • 20 years of compulsory motor TPL insurance in Kazakhstan. Motor insurance technology, international experience.

Conference will be held in the form of plenary sessions, open discussions and workshops.

Participation fee – € 500.

The fee includes: participation in all the conference’s events, information materials, coffee breaks, launches, cocktails and gala dinner.

Discounts are available, if more than two participants representing the same organization are present:

– discount for the second participant – 5%

– discount for the third participant – 10%.


 « InterСontinental Almaty» Hotel, Kazakhstan, Almaty, Zheltoksan 181.

For additional information contact and information on registration and participation, please, contact the Conference’s Organizers:

Contact persons in Almaty: Marina Shipovalova, Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в браузере должен быть включен Javascript., Tel.: +7(727)334-00-18, +7 777 237-40-27